Cat Lovers guide to the Munchkin Cat

Munchkin cat, a feline with short paws

Due to their peculiar characteristics such as elongated back and short legs, Munchkin cats have earned the name of "toy" or "dwarf" cats.

Munchkin cats have gained great popularity and are causing a furor. Anyone who sees them is captivated by their charms, even the most skeptical.

Let's get to know the Munchkin cat better and all the curiosities that hide these special cats.


Origin of Munchkin cats

The Munchkin cat originated in the United States, in Louisiana, more than 40 years ago. Where Dr. H.E. Wiliams-Jones refers to a short-legged cat.

During World War II this breed disappeared and was not seen again until the 1950s in Russia and the United States.

It was not until the 1980s that a description of cats of this type was made to constitute a breed. From that time on, breeding programs also began to develop.

Finally, in 1994, they were recognized as a cat breed by TICA (The International Cat Association) who also separated the breed into two groups by the length of the hair: Munchkin and long-haired Munchkin.

In 2003 the breed acquired championship status. However, some similar organizations in other countries still do not consider them as such.

This cat breed has had a lot of controversy around the world because some international cat breed associations criticize the breeding of Munchkins.

Based on the fact that they are the result of a genetic mutation that generated the deformity in the size of their paws and reproducing this condition for breeding is unethical.

They argue that the munchkin is based on a hereditary disease or that the breed is predisposed to health problems due to the deformity of the legs.

However, many breeders and veterinarians claim that these cats are not at all limited and are no more prone to health problems than other breeds.


Physical characteristics of the Munchkin Cat

Size: they are a small breed; their height can go from 15 cm to 25 cm.

Weight: females weigh 2 - 4 kg, and males weigh a little over 3 to 4 kg.

Eyes: are almond-shaped, set wide apart, and slightly slanting. They can be white, chocolate, cream, bluish, gray, or black.

Ears: they are disproportionate, large, erect, and with rounded tips.

Coat: can be short or semi-long, they have a layer of fluffy and fluffy silky hair that adapts to any type of climate.

They can have all kinds of colors and patterns but the most common are white, blue cream, silver, and brown shades.

Body: their head is rounded, with a somewhat flattened forehead and their spine is very long.

Their legs are strong and muscular but small, measuring between 5 and 7 cm, the front legs are slightly sloping and the hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs.

The only main requirement to be considered a munchkin cat is to have very short legs, otherwise all colors, and facial features.

Life span: they usually live 12 to 15 years.


The character of the Munchkin cat

They are cute, cuddly and homey, perfect to be a family cat. They will get along well with children, with their owners, and even with other cats or other pets living in the house.

These cats are adapted to living in a house or an apartment, although they could also enjoy a small patio or garden. They are active, and although we may think that their length limits them, the truth is that their favorite pastime is to run and play, in fact, their paws do not prevent them from jumping high.

 There are no differences with other feline breeds in terms of agility or speed.

They are very curious, tend to explore every corner of their environment, and they love to borrow toys or objects that can attract their attention and hide them. Thanks to their intelligence they are able to learn some tricks.

They are very spoiled, they will always look for pampering and affection, they like to rest on their owner's lap and they do not like to be alone.


Munchkin Cat Care

It is relatively easy to take care of your Munchkin cat, they do not require a lot of care, what is necessary is to give them a lot of attention and toys.

  • If they have short hair it is advisable to brush weekly and in case of having regular hair to remove the dead hair.
  • It is advisable to avoid spending a lot of time outdoors, as this is a cat quite sensitive to sudden changes in temperature.
  • Physical exercise is also important. You should try to keep your cat active.
  • Their nails, teeth, and eyes should also be cleaned once a week, as in other breeds.


Munchkin cat food

Like all felines, the munchkin is carnivorous, so it needs a diet rich in proteins, as well as the absence of cereals and other inadequate ingredients for a cat's diet.

Their diet must be adapted to their stage of development and not exceed in quantities or prizes, since they could gain weight.

The feed has its advantages, such as reinforcing the cat's dental health, and it also works well as a complement to wet food, thus ensuring a balanced diet. If a cat eats only food, it can develop bladder and kidney diseases.


Munchkin Health

The Munchkin cat is often associated with the Dachshund because they share a similar and very characteristic long body and short legs.

However, it has been shown that it does not suffer from hip or spinal problems. They do not have problems with their paws nor do they limit their movement, this may be because the cat's anatomy is quite different from the canine, although visually the paws look the same to us.

And being a recent breed, no diseases have been reported as yet to which they are prone.


The Munchkin cat is an ideal family pet

Following these guidelines, providing it with exercise and various activities, and proper education, the munchkin cat will undoubtedly be a great pet for the whole family.

Remember also the importance of socializing the animal from the very beginning, so that as an adult it will have a good relationship with humans, cats and other animals.